Perfect Found in Imperfect Economic Testimony – The Perfect Opportunity to Index Another Lesson Learned

There are times in which the economic expert is either unprepared or led into difficult positions where the unforeseen occurs. Likewise, there are times in which the cross examination opens the door for further damaging economic testimony. Over the years, we have learned some very valuable lessons, albeit at the expense of the opposition.   We look at these unforeseen occurrences and mishaps as incredibly rich and valuable resources. They certainly make us keenly aware of possible pitfalls for the economist and for the cross examining attorney.  Our team, and particularly our experts, not only spend the necessary time up front examining, analyzing and evaluating facts, data, depositions, reports, academic literature and documents that support our position but, we go through a similarly rigorous exercise in reviewing the oppositions position from a forensic perspective to ferret out errors in execution, argument pitfalls and areas of weakness the opposition is exposed to. The process we employ illuminates the mindset in which we approach each case. Identifying, noting and valuing each critical misstep thus helping build on our firm wide pool of knowledge which we bring forward to each new case.  Here we have assembled a few short abstracts that demonstrate some of our findings over the many years and various cases.

Posted By rrc-admin on November 11, 2016 at 10:17 am

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