Health Care Economics

Health Care Economics

RRC has established a solid team of experienced health care industry economists, analysts and researchers that provide high value, high quality analysis of real-life business, industry and market activities and transactions that impact the way in which the health care industry most efficiently and effectively delivers its products and services to patients.

RRC’s experts have worked with the largest health care service insurers, health care providers, pharmaceutical companies, medical device and consumable product manufacturers, medical associations and hospitals.  RRC’s experts have a broad range of experience throughout the health care industry.  For nearly forty years RRC has been at the forefront of health care economic analysis and research. From articles in leading academic and professional journals to forecasting services, consulting and client specific survey work, RRC has built a solid core of expertise. Based on this accumulated breadth of  knowledge and applied experience, RRC offers a diverse range of health care consulting services, some of which are listed below.

  1. Managed Care Impact Analysis
  2. Hospital Cost Analysis and Forecasting
  3. Labor Force Analysis and Projections
  4. Non-Profit Organizations, Municipal and Academic Institution Surveys
  5. Professional Malpractice Insurance Analysis

Recently RRC analyzed the impact of expanding practice boundaries testing the therapeutic practicality of remote practice techniques that offer patients greater access to high quality care.  RRC monitored and evaluated the market response that opening channels related to testing and treatment protocols had on firms and the general health care sector.

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